PC: Evan Krape

Good Vibes Only: Vibration Dampening & Damage Mitigating Effects of Backing Boards

In an effort to combine my passion for paintings and preventive conservation, my second-year science project seeks to investigate the performance of different backing board materials in dampening vibrations experienced by stretched canvas paintings. It was attempted to use Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) to track any surface and/or structural damages before and after exposure to vibration. This research was be presented as a lightning round at ANAGPIC 2023. For more detailed information please view the annotated bibliography, Project Proposal, and Project Report below.

Backing Board Informational Pamphlet

As part of my preventive minor work, I researched and compiled resources on various backing board materials, instillation, and their performance as preventive practices. This research was organized into an annotated bibliography. However, I wanted this research to be more accessible to a non-academic and/or non-conservation audience. With that in mind I created a trifold pamphlet to convey the most practical information to framers, art students, smaller institutions and art collectors. Paired with the information, there are custom illustrations.